Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 20.04.2001 geändert.

English Menu

English Menu
Die Göttin Inanna
Namen und Titel
Die heiligen ME
Ihre Mythen
Ihre Hymnen
Eigene Gedichte
Ihr Online-Tempel



Inannas symbol moving

Be blessed.
Welcome to the English part of my site.



Use the drop-down menu to find my sites on Inanna and Ishtar in English. 
They are located on my site: Shrine of the Forgotten Goddesses.

At the bottom there are Links to other of my sites in English.





During my time in the www-web,
I have created two other pagan sites:

Shrine of the Forgotten Goddesses

Creating and working on this site is an act of worship to me.

There are several goddesses shrines 
and a lot of information on the forgotten goddesses of the past.

I try to retell their stories and build sacred spaces for them.

A Service to the Great Goddess

This site was my first one, I started when I got into the www.

It is more personal than the other one and describes my belief.
 There you can find a lot of my poetry in honor of the All-Mother.

